Phase 2 - Eating
What’s the ‘Eat’ part? We’re beavering away behind the scenes to partner with food banks to resource them with support to offer more food, so the person you nominate can receive help with their food shopping in their local area!
No doubt you’ll have a lot of questions, so we’ve tried to answer and post the most expected ones that we’d expect you to ask:
Important info T&Cs:
You spend £10 or more on our store - you can nominate someone to receive a blanket from our store.
You spend £15 or more, on our store - you can nominate someone to receive one of our low energy efficient heaters, compliant, quality, practical and cost saving, from a recognised and established retail supplier to be delivered to your/their doorstep!
All appliances are ISO certified and meet safety standards.
Yes, you can nominate for yourself and others up to 2 heaters/blankets for one home, subject to fulfilling the terms for each appliance/item supplied for this (see points 1 & 2 above).
You can nominate different people with every purchase, subject to the purchase limit as stated above. (Delivery details will be required of different locations).
Any other queries, drop us an email: ‘ or ask away in comments
if we can’t answer, we’ll get back to you with the info you need!
We’re starting in Leeds and are aiming to respond to each area request and nomination!
Some food banks may require presentation of food vouchers, depending upon location.
It is designed to and should help alleviate ‘HeatnEatUp’ stresses (you or your) dear ones have regarding the dreaded energy and food price hikes we’ve all already been reading and hearing about!